英语趣闻:卷福自黑不性感 粉丝力挺男神(双语)
BenedictConboy Bakidoesn't lovebeas sexyidol.The"Sherlock"stars even think thatis aSexyIdoltohis onlyfeeling is"weird,shocked,andcruel".
Sherlockhas deniedheis sexy,recentlyhe accepteda Poland magazine"WCzteryOczy"was asked during an interviewaboutstarred in"Sherlock"was a great successand is regarded as aSexyIdol problem,made some responses.
"It was a bit weird,shocking,but alsosome cruel."VolumeFu said."I don't doubtthe role of Sherlockis very attractive,has impressedmany people.Clearly thefans areveryidentity,in order to comfort me,they began toproclaimmyvery sexy,andrepeatedly,finallytheybelieve.ButI don'tthink so."
But for the most partSherlockfanshave the habit ofSherlockwashis"face"are you kidding.They still feelvery sexy.